

Short overview

The Erfahrungskreis – the Circles of Awareness, Practice and Evolution (erosCAPE) is a network and community of awareness groups in Switzerland, Germany and Austria.
The main topics are love, sexuality and spirituality as guiding lines to our life practice.
It’s close to a postpostmodern or teal practice community, a sangha or just a new kind of We-space.

We look forward to get in contact and to exchange with people who have a similar life practice.
We are neither business orientated nor we feel competition.
We would like to meet you as friend and buddy for life practice. We appreciate the many existing perspectives and movements.

The main topics

In our society the topics or lines love and sexuality are usually still assigned to the private life and sometimes they are even kept in the shadow. Most people in our „normal“ society don’t like to speak about them in public and don’t even think about to integrate them in their spiritual life practice at all.

We invite people to open themselves more and more to love, sexuality and spirituality and to a combination that can be learned. It’s not only ment as an encreasing ability in a flat way like more techniques, methods or positions. It’s ment as well as an evolution of our love, of our consciousness and as a shared responsibility for us, our loved ones and our wider environment. With this view love, sexuality and spirituality are belonging to the whole cosmos, not only to a couple or to one person.

Horizontal and vertical growth

We intend an integral growth in various aspects of the daily life like relationship, partnership, community, health and healing, work and profession/vocation. This means that we use the combination of these three lines as entry points or focus to arrive at our personal and cosmic being.

This is not only a serious studying field for us; it helps us as well to be more connected to our hearts and we also have quite much fun.

Groups and activities

Actually there are ongoing groups such as „Partnership and intimate relationship(s) integrally reflected“, „sexual flow“, „healing“, gender groups and the topic „worldly existence and the beyond“.

  • Yoga of Sexuality is a learning and practice group for deepening sexual competence. Yoga of sex is a mindful life practice focussing on sexuality and relationship(s). The first members of this group attended Dr Joseph Kramer’s English-language online course in 2015 and occasionally use the many practical tutorials from this course. Today, the focus is on personal sexual practice, appropriate relationship forms, relationship maintenance and personal fulfilment.
  • Sexual flow is an ongoing practice field since 2006, where we research and practice what makes up the essence and evolution of sexuality. We focus on flow in the sense of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, on the many aspects and subtle layers of sexuality and on the connections we can experience for example to love, to ecstasy, to being a couple, to being in a mystic tradition and to being an aspect of the cosmic creation and vibration. And more: As sex is often kept in the shadow or even is misused since countless generations, we practice a mindful sexuality for healing and transformation in all levels of consciousness.
  • Partnership and intimate relationship(s) integrally reflected is a group with monthly online meetings of 1½ hours. Couples and singles share their understanding of their relationship, their relationship care, sexuality, communication, their forms of conflict resolution, etc. They reflect on development potentials, do shadow work, learn suitable methods and receive feedback on request. They reflect on development potential, do shadow work, learn about suitable methods and receive feedback from the group if desired.
  • Tantra at an older age is a loose circle of tantric practitioners who have reached retirement age, who want to discuss issues of ageing, cultivate age-appropriate forms of sexuality and spirituality, occasionally do something together and support each other. Among other things, we clarify the question of how we ageing tantrics can prepare and live a happy, pleasurable and fulfilled phase of life into old age.
  • Community for living, communicating and working together is a research and learning circle for people who consciously cultivate community in their diverse life activities.

  • Gender groups:
    The men’s group sees itself as a lively deepening and experimentation group on current men’s work with tantric practice. The men’s group meets two to three times a year.

    The women’s group is currently suspended and is looking for new participants to organise meetings again.

    The focus is on love, sexuality and spirituality in all areas of our lives as men, as women, as a possibly changing identity in between and, last but not least, as partners in a fulfilling relationship.

  • The summer camp in July is located in a quiet place in nature near Berne/Switzerland. We practise community and our main topics of our circles.
    There are two weekends, each with a specific topic, three days in between to relax and one week to go into depth with the practice
    In the „Evolution and Earth Ritual“, we dedicate ourselves to the creation of the world and evolution not only mentally or spiritually, but also up close. We try to experience creation. This sensual and profound ritual usually takes place in the summer camp.

  • A four-day camp over New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day offers a particular theme, take stock of the year as it draws to a close and visualise new perspectives for the coming year.

  • For Yab-Yum, an ancient tantric practice, there are three immersion days over Ascension Day and a few evening meetings to practise during the year.
  • 7-10 days of fasting together or at home give the opportunity to discover the different levels and aspects that fasting can have on our body, soul and spirit, because fasting is more than just abstaining from food. There is plenty of time for yourself and for occasional physical or online meetings.

  • jenseits-diesseits“ accompanies participants to experiences of otherworldly landscapes, to parallel or overlapping fields of perception, to the examination of personal needs and questions in the transition from life to death and to a better empathy in the accompaniment of the seriously ill and dying. The event is hybrid: it can be attended physically on site or online.

  • Holidays with meditation and touch offer a short break, a respite from everyday life and a chance to stop and reflect before taking the next step in life. We usually book a house or flat, take care of the household ourselves, cook together and enjoy the surroundings. We will have fun together, meditate, dance and get in touch.

Methods and lines

We combine the different dimensions thinking, emotion, body, spirit and shadow. We consecrate ourselves to heart opening and realisation and a growing consciousness. We invite participants to seek refuge and support from higher beings or their God, depending on which faith they belong to.

Methods of several mystic lines are part of our practice. And we use sometimes sounds that stimulate our awareness, energy work and rituals..

As structure of our learning we offer workshops from 1 to 14 days, online meetings and journeys to another place on the world (sometimes for up to 16 weeks) where we have a deep personal exchange.

Self-governance, responsibility and changing role

People of our network are friends and colleagues who work together in a post-postmodern form of community or sangha or we space. We adopt some structures and decision-making processes from sociocracy and holacracy.

In communication it is our intention to listen to each other attentively, to speak about our personal experiences, to cultivate a careful and transparent exchange, to create a feeling of We and to support each other in focusing on the unfolding of our consciousness. We take guiding principles for our communication from Boom’s dialogue, non-violent communication and Scott Peck’s circling practice.

Some of us are living and exploring new models of extended partnership , co-working and co-housing. These structures and our understanding of living in community are also important topics of our explorations.

We appeal everybody to the responsibility both for him- and herself, for a fruitful flow in our common workshops and for the welfare of the whole group. We care about that everyone has the chance to express oneself and to bring ones uniqueness into the group.

Self-awareness for private and professional growth

The Erfahrungskreis sees itself as a container of self-awareness. Everybody works on a voluntary basis. After a long period of working in a loose group our network got the structure of a charitable organization with transparent roles and processes.

The Erfahrungskreis also has become a research and practice field for experts in therapy, coaching, sexological bodywork and spiritual lines. It is valuable to have an exchange among professionals and advanced people about our main themes.

To contact us

We will be glad to connect with, to get to know and to collaborate with persons and groups who practice in a similar way. You find our address in Kontakt.