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Collaboration around the world: Exploration and live practice in sexuality, relationship and consciousness

Relationship, sexuality and communication are important issues for a majority of people, couples and for the society in our western world. You may be particularly involved in this topic because you are in a conscious relationship or active as a therapist, coach, bodyworker, trainer, performer, or for a practitionar in a self-awareness group.
So we share many similarities.

For a number of years in our circles of awareness, practice and evolution (Erfahrungskreis), we have been reflecting, practicing and deepening what we have learned in trainings and in professional practice. Participants in our groups come from different schools and professional backgrounds, which makes our exchange colourful and interesting.

In a recent reflection, we have felt the desire to connect ourselves and collaborate in the future with similar-oriented groups and people beyond our cultural environment and beyond the boundaries of the country. Our intention is to be more effective together, each of us as a cell in its place in the world and connected in a network of people who continually deepen their competences and realize a showing up in society with more impact. It can enable intervision, reflection and personal practice, promote experimental projects and make the results available to all of them. In this way, we would be even better able to motivate clients, partners or other people in society to deepen their skills in relation to sexuality, love, communication and spirituality. These key competencies are, in our opinion, also a contribution to better integration into the daily life, to a better recognition in society, to a closer link with spirituality, art, science, politics, etc., to the development of every human being and last but not least for peace between partners, ethnic groups and nations on our earth. We do not want to be overwhelmed by this broad view, but at least keeping it in our orientation and our heart. We intend to reflect what we do, to make shadow work and to discover new things. This will enable us to make a lot of touching, valuable and enlightening experiences.

In addition to our professional experience, we also like Ken Wilber’s integral map AQAL as an orientation and as a check for the best possible completeness. This makes it possible to orient our practice also for a development of consciousness. An international exchange supports us even more in recognizing regional implications and therefore giving to each other impulses on our paths.

We are not the only ones with such intentions. Graduates of many education institutions have often joined together to form a club and to practice together. We would like to do it likewise and to extend our network to several schools, training courses and countries of this world.

Collaboration can take place online, in groups somewhere in the world or at international projects, conferences, performances, exhibitions or workshops.

Get in touch with us

If you are interested in a collaboration or being part of this network (or us being part of your network), we will invite you to get in contact with us. You find our address at Kontakt.